Pediatric Speech & Language Therapy
MCI Now Offers Speech & Language Therapy
Speech Therapy is a highly specialized set of services that help children communicate better and be more independent in the world around them.
We’re so excited to have a dedicated team of SLP professionals that can help children of all ages with their specific needs.
What Can SLP Help With?
The speech language pathologists at McNeill Children’s Institute are trained to help with a wide range of conditions and diagnoses.
We can help children, teens and adults with issues such as:
Apraxia, when someone has trouble planning and sequencing the motions to produce certain sounds in speech;
Autism, which often has symptoms that appear as speech and verbalization challenges;
Developmental Delays, which can show as inability or lack of desire to speak to friends or adults;
Phonological Disorders, when a person has trouble hearing, identifying, and manipulating the sounds of speech;
Voice Disorders, which can seem like a person is always shouting, or has a rough voice, or runs out of air too quickly when they speak;
Fluency challenges, otherwise known as stuttering; or
Orofacial myofunctional disorders, sometimes known as “tongue thrust,” which are issues in facial muscles that control chewing and swallowing.
Speech and language therapy can also help your child with social skills, articulation, and other oral motor skills like chewing.
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